Latest Class Information due to Covid-19
We have been asked by many of our members to produce some useful training during lockdown so here it is. Lockdown training for Good Citizen Tests.
We are going to run six-week courses online with the view of doing tests as soon as the situation allows.
Places will be restricted to 8 per session, so I can view all of the group clearly on screen and give individual feedback. The first courses will be starting at the beginning of February 2021.
times and dates.
Bronze training - Thursday 7 pm
Silver training - Wednesday 6 pm
Gold training - Wednesday 7 pm (as long as a min group size can be reached)
The cost of the courses will be £30 with a discount for those who have trained with us before and a double discount for the members of the Intermediate and Advanced or Rally Facebook groups.
Book in the usual way, via the booking page on the website.
The new tier system is adding some new rules.
Currently following the CFSG guidelines we can do the following
Tier Four & Three
No indoor classes but we can do one to one behavioural work, in a home if needed.
Tier two
We can train indoors (if we can keep family bubbles distant from each other)
Tier one
We can train indoors.
We will keep you up to date on any changes as soon as we can
We have a new venue - Prudhoe Parish Church Hall, which we are using on Monday evenings.
In line with the latest Government advice, we are now planning to move indoors on the 9th September to Leadgate Community Centre.
Rally Obedience group will be on Wednesday evenings and Puppy and intermediate and advanced training will take place on Friday evenings.
Agility will continue to be outside at Pontop Pike.
One to one home visits are now possible with social distancing.
We are still limited in what we are available to offer at this time so some of our other courses are not running.
To support our Track and Trace system, all bookings and payments will be taken online for all classes and courses. As class numbers are limited due to COVID 19 Guidelines, all bookings will be on a first come first served basis, to be fair to all. Until further notice, there will no longer be the facility to turn up to train without booking in. Please see the services page to book in.
Stay safe and well
Mechelle & Amanda